Sara Skenderija

Sara Skenderija (1998) graduated at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, where she currently continues her MA. In her artistic practice, she explores, amog other things, the ambiguity of perception – searching for anomalies within the image and playing with the associative perception of the sensory. She hunts for junctions and points of separation within the object-subject relationship, which she simultaneously thinks of as the funnel through which the dialogue between the author and the viewer flows. She has held the solo exhibition Faktotum MXM:06 at DobraVaga (Ljubljana) where she also participated in the group exhibition Fresh Fish #goodbait, Fresh Fish #newwave, and the poster exhibition appointMENT. The work Faktotum MXM:06 incudes several elements. The transparent Plexiglas hung in the room, looks like something living. The painted forms give a sense of confinement and at the same time blur the space due to the carrier. A sense of discomfort is felt. Due to the transparency of the material itself, the boundaries between motif and space are no longer clearly defined. Pictures hung on hooks feel alive in the space. Smaller elements are placed next to them on the floor, completing the layout and resembling something broken and scattered. The whole thing looks like an organism, like a kind of completed but fragmented whole. With the help of various elements that the artist includes in her compositions, she further enhances the feeling of doubt in the viewer as they try to fully embrace what they see.